Now that you’ve tried all the weird and wonderful strategies you saw on TikTok and they haven’t worked it’s time to focus on a social media strategy that will give results.
WordPress Once Over. For focus, direction, and profit.
Unlike other online audits the WordPress Once Over will help you identify your weaknesses and then we will help you fix them immediately. You don’t need a history lesson, you need focus, direction, and profit.
3 things users hate on websites & how to fix them
User experience (sometimes referred to as UX or UE) is the practise of designing sites whilst being mindful of the users’ experience of it. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? Here are three basic areas lots of businesses still get wrong – and how to fix them for your business.
How to charge more for the same product & still outsell your competitors.
User Experience (UX or UE) is how a user interacts with and experiences a product, system or service. It includes a person’s perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency. Being mindful of this presents vast opportunities to outsell your competitors.
5 minute fix – finding the right keywords.
Picking the right keywords is crucial for getting your content seen. Here’s how to select the right keywords for you and how to refine your selection to guarantee the best results for your business.
Hiring a digital marketing agency vs permanent recruitment.
Why do businesses think that hiring a new employee is better than using a Digital Marketing Agency for the same role or responsibilities? We sat down with business owners to dig into why they might resist using a Digital Marketing Agency for roles they would traditionally fill via permanent hiring.
5 signs you’re ready for a new website
Many businesses are getting by on the website they threw together 5 years ago. If you’re avoiding your own site, are scared of accidentally breaking it, or don’t want your own clients to see it, you are ready for a new website.
SEO Jargon Buster
Why we only build websites with WordPress
WordPress has a, frankly, ridiculous market share in its industry. So why is this overwhelming success sometimes met with cynicism? Why is something so universally useful continually ‘slammed’ by people both inside and outside of the industry?
We love WordPress. Here’s why.
What does Digital Transformation mean?
We want excited, decisive clients to take part in our Digital Partnership. We want to take businesses from where they are now to where they want to be, with no fuss, and no bullshit.
How to identify & fix SEO mistakes yourself
The problems with building your own website.
Most small businesses look to keep costs as low as possible in the early days by using a selection of online platforms to build their own websites. But are they as cheap, simple, & fast as they appear? Here’s how using these platforms can actually put your business on the back foot.