Your Website Contact Page; the Ultimate Call-to-action
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Written by Kate Molloy

Partner, Head Designer, Sometime Unicorn, Controller of the Whiteboard.

January 20, 2020

Your website contact page. The ultimate call to action. Even the page name is an instruction; ‘Contact Us’, we demand.

But what should be included on this often-forgotten page, to
tempt desirable ideal clients to get in touch? And how can we stop spammers
from filling up our inbox?

In this article I’m going to show you the do’s and don’ts of
the best contact pages on the internet.

Your Website Contact Page – DO

DO keep it simple

People visit your website contact page for one reason and one reason only. You can guess what that reason is. You don’t need to give them your life story or include details of your latest offerings.

DO include a contact form

People are lazy busy. They want to be able to contact
you in the easiest and quickest way possible. They definitely don’t want to
have to compose an email, and they probably aren’t going to call you to leave a
voicemail at midnight. Including a contact form means they can quickly fire of
a message directly from your website. Just make sure it’s easy to use and
mobile optimised!

DO share your direct social media links…

…but don’t include social media live feeds! It might (MIGHT)
be appropriate to include your social media feeds elsewhere, but there’s no
need to overcomplicate your contact page. Instead, include direct links to each
of your social media profiles; make sure that they open in separate tabs if you
can, so visitors can easily navigate back to your site once they’ve liked or

DO use a spam filter service

If you have a contact form on your website, spammers will
try to send you messages. It’s what they do. But you can sign up to one of many
spam filter services to stop this from happening. Askimet
is a WordPress specific option which does the job perfectly. It is a premium
service for businesses, but you can sign up for a free account if you have a personal
site or blog.

Your Website Contact Page – DON’T

DON’T overwhelm with options

If your website visitors end up on the contact page, they’re
looking for one thing only. The last thing you want to do is distract them with
other call-to-actions. Give them what they want – an easy way to get in touch.

DON’T display your email address on your website contact page

Many businesses, understandably, decide to display an email address to make it easy for visitors to get in touch, directly. There’s a problem with this though; you WILL get spammed. And the more you get spammed, the more legitimate emails will be sent to your spam box. That’s not good! You’ll miss genuine queries and end up with irritated potential clients who go elsewhere. Using a contact form on your website contact page, connected to a good spam filter service will ensure all genuine messages get through and spammers are blocked.

DON’T expect people to read everything on your site (DO include FAQs)

No matter how much perfectly written, detailed, concise information
you provide on your website, you will still be contacted with questions. Often
these questions have already been answered on your site. Often, your reply to
these questions will include the exact same copy as that on your website. You
need to accept this, otherwise you’ll spend your life in a frustrated funk. Providing
an FAQs page is one way to reduce repeating yourself when answering the same questions
over and again; at the very least, it gives you somewhere to send people when
they ask.

DON’T provide your phone number or chat bot if you aren’t going to answer

It’s not necessary to provide a phone number on your
website. Many businesses do, as that’s how they’d like to be contacted. It may
seem obvious, but don’t feel that you need to provide one if you’re not
intended to answer your phone. You’ll end up with frustrated customers and look
really unprofessional. The same goes for chat bots. Unless you set up a snazzy chat
bot that answers questions automatically, don’t install one unless you’re going
to be there to answer questions in real time, at least some of the time.

Your Website Contact Page Conclusion

Your contact page is a vital part of your website. It can be
a real asset to your business. The trick is to keep things simple, understand
your customer’s expectations and avoid the things that are going to create more
work. In that way, you can help your website visitors to take your most central
call-to-action; making contact.